The International Convention on Biological Diversity, held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, emphasised the importance of preserving the earth’s biodiversity. In light of the rapid loss of habitats and species extinction, it is crucial to protect biodiversity. Begawan, through its conservation efforts, hopes to inspire more people to become more environmentally conscious and to care for the environment and biodiversity.

The Visit to Begawan Breeding Centre
The visit by City Development Limited (CDL) and Mana Earth Company to Begawan Conservation site on 7 February involved a tour of the Begawan Breeding Centre. The history of the critically endangered Bali Starling as the Balinese Mascot was explained, along with Begawan’s conservation efforts since 1999. The visitors were introduced to the various tools used for conservation, including identification methods using rings, colour tags and microchips, as well as its bird tracking and monitoring application. The conservation officers at Begawan explained the importance of post-release monitoring to check on the released birds.

During the visit, Begawan highlighted the challenges faced in its captivity and release programs. The guests were also informed about the different enclosures at the breeding centre, which include quarantine enclosures, socialisation enclosures and breeding enclosures. These are differentiated based on the needs of each bird. After the presentation, the guests were invited to participate in the experience of preparing and serving food for the Bali Starlings.

Trip to the Bali Starling Habituation and Release Site
The next activity involved a trip to the Bali Starling habituation and release site at Banjar Bayad, which is also the location of Begawan’s farm and regenerative garden. The guests were able to observe the release points and behaviour of Bali Starlings in the wild, as well as seeing free-flying Bali Starlings previously released by Begawan. They also learned about the farming program, which includes rice cultivation and a regenerative garden, and the filter system that provides clean water for our non-pesticide agricultural programs. The visit ended with a relaxing coconut water break in Begawan’s rice barn, surrounded by the scenic rice fields and mandala garden.

The guests expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to learn about the conservation efforts for the Bali Starling and expressed a desire to contribute in any way they could. The hands-on experience of feeding the birds also gave them a deeper understanding of the care that goes into preserving these threatened birds. This visit by CDL highlights the importance of informing people about the significance of wildlife conservation and the need to protect and preserve our natural heritage.

Begawan’s Goal to Encourage Environmental Consciousness
Begawan recognizes that the concept of nature conservation is perceived differently by different individuals, and any discussion about its goals needs to take into account these differing perspectives. However, Begawan strives to encourage more people to become more environmentally conscious and to care for biodiversity on the planet. (Anik Kristina)