
Canang Sari is a ceremonial offering frequently used during religious ceremonies in Bali. It is considered to represent a composed, tranquil, and splendid mind, signifying true love and devotion. Anyone who wishes to demonstrate their devotion to their gods or ancestors can create Canang Sari.

Symbolic Meaning and Significance

Canang Sari is a form of offering used in Balinese Hinduism, with the term “sari” referring to flowers, essence and extract, which are its primary components. Canang Sari carries symbolic significance from the Vedas, symbolising a prayer to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi, the Almighty God, for the endowment of the power of knowledge (Widya) to both the individual (Bhuana Alit) and the universe (Bhuana Agung).

Placement of Canang Sari

Canang Sari can be placed in various locations, including temples, shrines, homes, roadsides, or courtyards. It is considered a sacred offering in Balinese Hinduism, and its placement should be made with respect and reverence.

Making Canang Sari

The process of creating a Canang Sari is referred to as Mejejahitan. To uphold the sanctity of the offering, a specific knife must be employed. As Canang Sari is intended as an offering to the Gods, it is imperative that the utensils employed in its production are clean and pure.

Components of Canang Sari

Canang Sari is made up of coconut leaves, semat (bamboo stem cut into small pieces resembling toothpicks, sharpened at one end), porosan (betel nut, betel leaf, and lime), pallawa (leaves), and flowers, and other decorative elements.

Different Forms, Different Meaning

The shape of Canang Sari varies according to its function and intended use. There are several shapes of Canang Sari, including:

  • Canang Sari Wadah Ceper (square). This particular Canang symbolises the Tri Sarira in the human body, namely the Angga Sarira (physical body) represented by the Ceper (container) and the Suksma Sarira (spiritual body) represented by duras.
  • Canang Sari Wadah Tamas (round), has a similar meaning and function to Canang Sari Wadah Ceper. The only difference is its basic shape.
  • Canang Sari Wadah Dulang, is usually used at formal events such as state meetings, official speeches, religious events, entertainment activities. This type of Canang is typically reserved for more formal occasions.

Begawan provides a chance to personally partake in the process, with an opportunity to not only acquire knowledge of the delicate details involved in creating Canang Sari but also to develop a more profound comprehension of its meaning and importance. 

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