
The Balinese New Year, known as Nyepi, of the Saka calendar year 1946, was ushered in with a serene and peaceful atmosphere in Bali. For Hindu devotees, this time is sacred and celebrated with profound significance. Airports are closed, activities come to a halt, and everyone observes a day of silence at home. However, amidst the tranquillity, how do conservation programs for the Bali Starling and relentless agricultural activities fare?

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Nyepi Day signals  serenity in our rice fields

Agricultural Harmony: Balancing Tradition with Farming

In our rice fields, the heritage Mansur rice planted just two weeks before Nyepi received blessings. Chickens and ducks in the farm received attention. Double provisions of feed were given before Nyepi commenced, ensuring their needs were met.

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Feeding Bali Starlings with extra portions and whole fruit to make them eat slowly and last throughout Nyepi

Conservation Amidst Serenity: Protecting the Bali Starling

Similar measures were implemented in the Bali Starling conservation program. Food is prepared before Nyepi, with whole fruits served, unlike the usual practice of cutting them into small pieces. This allows the Bali Starlings to feed slowly and endure the 24-hour period when there is no birdkeeper present. Ali Imron, our Conservation officer, ensured there was an adequate food and water supply. Minimal infrared lighting was turned on at night to maintain warmth for the birds in the enclosures.

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Farmers are getting ready in the fields to welcome Nyepi.

Balinese Values in Action: Integrating Tradition with Responsibility

Nyepi is not just about silence but also about maintaining balance – a balance between tradition and responsibility, spirituality and environmental conservation. With careful planning, Nyepi can be observed meaningfully without neglecting the needs of other living beings. By embracing the essence of Nyepi, Bali continues to showcase its commitment to harmony and conservation, blending ancient customs with modern practices for a sustainable future.

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