
Symmetrical objects can be found all around us. There are many types of symmetry such as that found in architecture, art, geometry, living creatures, and natural objects. Symmetry is a representation of balance, proportion, harmony, and even perfection as shown by the regular arrangement of shapes. To apply the principle of Learning by Doing, Begawan Learning Centre students decided to understand natural symmetries through their field trip activities on Mertasari Beach.

Students learn from outdoor activity at Mertasari Beach

On November 27, the Eco Warriors had the opportunity to participate in fun activities at the beach from morning until late afternoon. Thirty students, accompanied by three facilitators, went together in a bus provided by Perum PPD (Djakarta Public Transportation Company). 

Students from each group created a sand castle
Students from each group created a sand castle

As soon as the students arrived, they were divided into groups and then given the task to collect seashells of various shapes to be used in the next activity. Along the way students discovered a variety of aquatic life, including little crabs, hermit crabs, living clams, coral, and small fish. Each group had to identify the symmetrical patterns they saw. Symmetrical shapes they found varied from small boats, buoys, shells, rocks, leaves of various shapes, flowers, beach umbrellas, seaweed, hotel buildings, and small huts.

Play positively affect moods for study

Before the day started to heat up, students were able to swim, and even rent floats and canoes. After all the fun at the seashore, they continued their activities by making sand castles. Each group created a sand castle with tools brought from home. This simple activity proved to be quite challenging. Sand lacks the ability to bind its particles so sandcastles are easily destroyed. Students paid attention to ensure the right consistency by combining sand and water, then decorated their finished castles with  seaweed and coral.

Students review what they study by meditating in circle
Students review what they study by meditating in circle

The next activity, meditation, gave students the opportunity to share their experiences that day. Some of them talked about how they looked for mini crabs when they were swimming while the others talked about when they met strangers and learned how to behave in public.

Eco Warriors Students always care about the Environment

Their last activity was to make a mandala utilising the seashells that had been collected, based on the rules of symmetry. Some created circles, while others were inspired by starfish, kites, and pearls. After the students had identified each other’s style of symmetry, they gathered the shells and returned them all to the beach. Students also made sure that they left the beach clean before going back home. (Assabti N Hudan M)

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