
The massive development in information and technology has benefited Indonesia, as an agricultural country, which is certainly influenced by technological transformations. Today, farming activities are often carried out with the aid of machines. However, technological developments which bring a positive impact have gone hand in hand with negative impacts as well.

Begawan is committed to sustainable, regenerative farming. Besides being open to various dynamics of technological transformation, Begawan strives to balance the use of technology in order to remain within the principles of a sustainable environment, and will consistently determine an environmentally friendly option in every program we undertake.

Ducks on the Rice Fields
Ducks on the Rice Fields

The Utilization of the Ducks

Begawan’s farming activities have developed in order to realize regenerative farming in line with Tri Hita Karana values. The utilization of ducks and ducklings is one of the activities carried out by Begawan. The general belief that ducks can damage rice has been overridden, based on research conducted by the Department of Agriculture’s (DA) Regional Field Office in Cagayan Valley, that has shown that ducks can control snail pests, up to 95%, of weeds in rice fields, and can also increase rice yields by up to 36%.

Begawan purchased 100 ducklings in March, and a further 50 ducklings in August this year. Ducks are released in plowed rice fields to eat the waste grains that are left behind after harvesting, and to eat pests, and weed seeds throughout the rice growing cycle. Ducks also provide natural fertilizer through their droppings which is beneficial for rice growth. Ducks – a useful tool in our goal to ensure the use of  natural pesticides and fertilisers. (Anik Kristina)

Ducks Fertilising Soil in Begawan's Rice Fields
Ducks Fertilising Soil in Begawan’s Rice Fields
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