
Begawan Foundation has been working hard for more than 20 years to conserve the endangered Bali Starlings. The Foundation has also carried out release activities, both in Nusa Penida and Sibang. After moving the Breeding and Release Centre from Sibang to Melinggih Kelod, Payangan, Gianyar in 2018, the Foundation carried out further releases.

On Monday, 5 April 2021, the Begawan Foundation again released birds in Melinggih Kelod village, from one of the residents’ houses in Banjar Begawan. After evaluating this first release, two other pairs of Bali Starlings will be set free this year.

Evaluation of this first pair will be carried out by the foundation’s veterinarian, drh. Sugiarta, who has previous experience of releases on Nusa Penida.

Post-release monitoring is carried out under the guidance of drh. Sugiarta, and includes recording all activities and locations where the pair has been sighted. The day following release, this pair have settled in the plantation and rice field area of ​​one of the villagers of Melinggih Kelod, who is also a member of the Madhusuara Breeders Association, the local breeder association collaborating with the Foundation. The birds have already started to nest in a box especially placed in a tree on the site once it was seen that this pair looked like they wanted to build a home.

The involvement of residents is indeed important in conservation activities, so we hope this will be a good start for the next release of Bali starlings. (Nitya Swastika)

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