
On 15 February, Begawan had the pleasure of hosting a special guest, an outdoor educator, Christine Brautigam. She visited us and had the opportunity to explore and engage with our programs and facilities. Her visit was not only enjoyable, but it was also valuable for our foundation.

Immersion in Begawan’s Education Programs

Christine’s visit started with learning about the education programs that Begawan offers to the local community in Melinggih Kelod. She was impressed with the variety of programs Begawan offers, ranging from thematic classes to practical entrepreneurial classes. During her visit, she saw students in action, watching, evaluating, and assessing their own performances at their Begawan Art Expo. She even gave one of our facilitators a book about teaching Native American history through fun activities!

Christine and the facilitator are sitting in a circle with the Eco Warriors students.
Christine and a member of Begawan’s education team with the Eco Warriors.

Observing Bali Starlings in Breeding Centre

Christine also visited Begawan’s conservation site in Banjar Begawan, where she learned about the conservation efforts for the Bali Starlings, an endangered bird species. She was fascinated by the beauty and sounds of the birds and was able also to observe them in their natural habitat.

Exploring Begawan’s Regenerative Farm

During her visit, Christine explored Begawan’s regenerative farm in Banjar Bayad, where she enjoyed the lush greenery of Central Bali’s rice fields. She learned about the foundation’s approach to regenerative farming and permaculture gardens. She also learned about the challenges Begawan faces and the benefits gained from this sustainable practice.

Christine is learning about the Begawan initiative from the Begawan team.
Christine is learning about the Begawan initiative from the Begawan team.

Christine gave the Begawan team some excellent feedback and suggestions for developing its learning activities, particularly at the Learning Centre. We are excited to implement her suggestions to further enhance our programs.

Begawan is grateful to Christine for her support of our mission and for taking the time to visit us. Through the support of individuals like her, Begawan can continue to empower its students and make a positive impact in the community. Christine’s visit was an enriching experience. We hope that her visit will inspire others to support us to continue efforts to create a better world. (Irham, Adrian)

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